

Breastfeeding is natural and normal and gives your baby the best start.

The Department of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and can continue to benefit your baby along with solid foods for many months after.

Breast milk gives babies all the nutrients they need for the first six months of life and helps protect them from infection and diseases.

Breastfeeding helps protect your baby against:

- Ear infections

- Gastro-intestinal infections

- Chest infections

- Urine infections

- Childhood diabetes

- Eczema

- Obesity

- Asthma.

Breastfeeding helps protect your mothers against:

- Ovarian cancer

- Breast cancer

- Weak bones later in life.

- Women who breastfeed return to their pre-pregnancy figure faster

Every day you breast feed makes a difference to your baby’s health now and in the future.